Boelewerf 22
2987 VD Ridderkerk (Bolnes)
010 48 26 850 -
Finite element specialists

Roller bridge Roosendaal

Roller Bridge Roosendaal City Banks
A bright yellow bridge, as a new connection between the center and Stadsoevers

After Ingenieursbureau Maters and De Koning had made a VO, PT-Structural Design & Analysis bv. was allowed to make the DO and UO of the construction and design the drive, guide construction and buffers for the Municipality of Roosendaal and Van der Zalm Metaalindustrie B.V.
The guide construction and the detailing of the bridge parts was due to the architectural image, the tolerances, (re)adjustability and e.g. temperature influences quite a challenge.
The FEM checks were performed with ANSYS and SCIA.

In order to create counterballast for the stability of the movable part, the trough-stiffened cover plate of 6 mm thickness goes. at the rear into cover plates of 200 to 50 mm thick. The architectural elements at the top at the landing of the deck are also filled with ballast. Due to the ballast, the center of gravity is located between the wheels.

The drive is done with 2 driven wheels under the bridge. At the rear, track wheels are placed on rail profiles for street track.

Bridge Construction Length:
Bridge:                                     5 meters.
Roller bridge:                          23.2 meters.
Bridge construction width:   4200 mm, outside of the construction.
Bridge construction height: approx. 1450 mm, maximum from the slewing ring to the center of the arch.
Distance between the wheels:
Retracted: approx.                   7.9 metres.
Extended: approx.                   22 meters.
Ro llerpart weight: approx.    60 T

The bridge was manufactured by Van der Zalm Metaalindustrie BV. The construction consists of beams and welded plate constructions with stiffening profiles. After fabrication of the parts, these were assembled and transported in their entirety to the construction site in August 2021.

Client:           Van der Zalm / Municipality of Roosendaal
Architect:     Donald Marskamp (studio march) and Laurens de Boer (ODC Architecture)


Roller bridge Roosendaal
Roller bridge Roosendaal
Roller bridge Roosendaal
Roller bridge Roosendaal
Roller bridge Roosendaal
Roller bridge Roosendaal